

RiskProfiler is an unified Platform for managing your Third-Party Risk, Attack Surface Management, and Automated Vendor Questionnaire Assessments.

Web App

The Challenge


Complex Data

Impactful data visualization for quick decision-making. Simplify complex information to drive fast, informed choices.


Curated Multi User Presets

Prioritized information tailored for various user roles. Ensure key data is accessible based on role-specific needs.


Graphical Attack Paths

Visualize attack paths to show how an attacker could compromise your company.


The goal is to design a dashboard that effectively distills vast amounts of complex data into intuitive visualizations, including security scores with findings, enabling security teams to identify threats, monitor risks, and take decisive action in real time.

Graphical attack paths

Attack path analysis graphically represents how bad actors could navigate through your external assets in cloud environments, threreby leading to a breach.



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Helped to build a Unify a threat exposure management platform

RiskProfiler’s confidence in us enabled the development of a complex solution, allowing us to fully explore our potential and deliver a digital landscape that goes beyond expectations.


Together, we’ve crafted a solution that combines intricate functionality with aesthetic appeal, establishing a new standard for UX excellence in cybersecurity solutions.”

Offers continuous visibility into your organization’s digital infrastructure, facilitating the identification and management of potential security risks and vulnerabilities.

Streamline vendor collaboration by automating questionnaires to assess third- and fourth-party vendors. This reduces manual work and costs while simplifying large-scale tracking and management.

Improved the Security Score Meter for better clarity and provided insights into your vendors’ security status.

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